Di lêgerîna parastina jîngehê û demên jîngehê de, celebek çermê mîkrofiber bi navê 'Breathing' bi bêdengî derketiye, li gelek deveran, li gelek deveran nirxa awarte nîşan dide.
Leather mîkrofiber, wekî navê pêşniyar, materyalek nû ji derveyî çermê kevneşopî ye. It is not real leather, but a kind of imitation leather material synthesised by high-tech means, but its texture, touch and even appearance, are enough to be comparable with real leather. More rare is, microfiber leather overcame leather in durability, breath ability and environmental protection and other aspects of the limitations, become a more ideal alternative.
Taybetmendiyên 'şûştinê' yên çermê mîkrofiber ji ber strukturên xwe yên materyalê yên bêhempa ne. Theerm bi gelemperî ji bingehek mîkrofîleyê pêk tê, ku hingê bi hevrêzek polisethane ya bilind-performansê ve hatî çêkirin. This structure not only gives microfiber leather excellent abrasion and tear resistance, but also excellent breath ability and moisture permeability. Tewra di germahiya havînê de, çermê mîkrofiber jî rûnê rûn û rehet bimîne, ji hişmendiya germbûna germbûnê dûr dixe.
In the fashion industry, microfiber leather has become a designer's favourite due to its wide choice of colors and textures, as well as its ease of processing and shaping. Ka ew fashion-a-a-ya bilind e, pêlav an kelûpelên microfiber ji bo afirîneriyê odeya bêsînor pêşkêşî dike. Di heman demê de, taybetmendiyên jîngehê wê bi lêgerîna civaka nûjen a pêşveçûna domdar re ne.
Di warê dekora malê de, çermê mîkrofiber jî diherike. It is widely used in sofas, chairs and other furniture surface materials, not only comfortable touch, elegant appearance, and easy to clean and maintain. Compared with traditional leather, microfiber leather is more wear-resistant and stain-resistant, and can maintain the beauty and practicality for a long time.
Navbera otomatîkî jî yek ji wan deverên serlêdana girîng a mîkrofiber e. With the consumers on the car interior quality requirements continue to improve, microfiber leather with its unique advantages gradually replaced part of the leather material. It not only provides a more luxurious and comfortable driving experience, but also has good breath ability and durability to meet the needs of different seasons.
It is worth mentioning that, with the progress of science and technology and the continuous innovation of technology, the performance of microfiber leather is still improving. Mînakî, bi teknolojiya dermankirinê ya rûyê taybetî, çermê microfiber dikare bandora çermê ya rastîn a rastîn bigihîne; Û danasîna materyalên nû yên jîngehê yên nû, ew bêtir pêvajoya hilberîna xwe ya hilberîna jîngehê kêm dike.
Demjimêra paşîn: Feb-27-2025